Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Top Ten Economically Prosperous

Top Ten Economically Prosperous Nations Worldwide

The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) measures the current and future economic prosperity of countries over the world.

According to this year?s ranking, Switzerland is spotted No. 1, producing 0.44pc of the world's gross domestic product (GDP).

Singapore overtakes Sweden for the second position.

Northern and Western European countries named in the top ten include Sweden (3rd), Finland (4th), Germany (6th), the Netherlands (7th), Denmark (8th) and the United Kingdom (10th).

Despite falling three places since last year, Japan still ranks 9th place.

Now, let's take a look at top ten economically prosperous nations worldwide.

1. Switzerland

Swizerland peaks the WEF global competitive list, contributing 0.44pc to the world's gross domestic product (GDP). An ?inadequately educated workforce? was the country's greatest barrier for doing business

2. Singapore

This year, Singapore moves up a place into the second position. The country produces 0.39pc of global GDP, while its inflation rate increases from 4.5pc in June to 5.2pc in July and 5.4pc in August

3. Sweden

Sweden is down from the second to third place this year

4. Finland

Finland jumped three places into the fourth this year, producing 0.25pc of global GDP. However, the country?s tax rates become the greatest problem for businesses

5. The United States

The world's biggest economy slips from fourth to fifth place this year. The United States produces one fifth of global GDP

6. Germany

Germany is ranked the sixth, producing nearly 4pc of the world's GDP. The country?s restrictive labor regulations become barriers for doing business

7. The Netherlands

The Netherlands moves up a place into seventh this year. It produces 0.91pc of global GDP

8. Denmark

Denmark also jumps a place into the eighth spot this year. According to almost a third of the country's businesses, tax rates are the major problems for doing business

9. Japan

Japan slips three places into ninth spot this year, producing 5.82pc of the world's GDP. This country?s policy instability is considered as the most problematic factor for doing business

10. The United Kingdom

The UK is named in the top ten from last year's twelfth place, producing nearly 3pc of global GDP. Tax rates claim the greatest barrier to doing business

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Related links:

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World?s Most Thriving Countries

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Jolie Crussel, an economic expert, is keen on analyzing the economic situations in the world. Currently, she often delivers lectures on economic solutions to students and provides advice for many firms.

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